Griffin Underwriting Services is pleased to announce that it has joined forces with RT Specialty effective January 3rd, 2023.

Product Features of Online-Quoted Product:
  • Coverage offered on the BOP (Business Owners Policy) form where eligible
  • Professional liability: certain markets include at no charge at a sub-limit of $25,000 for many classes
  • Other coverages: Equipment breakdown, Crime, Hired and non-owned liability
  • No general liability deductible
  • Special form available
  • Replacement cost requirement available
  • No coinsurance
  • Business income offered on an actual loss sustained basis, up to the stated limit available
  • Expanded definition of bodily injury to include sickness or disease caused by mental anguish or emotional distress

Limitations of online product (submit applications for consideration by other markets):

  • Offices under 250,000 sq ft per location
  • Buildings not occupied more than 50% are ineligible
  • No more than 2 losses in the past 3 years, and no loss in excess of $50,000
  • If building is greater than 7 stories, must be 100% sprinklered

Claims Examples

One weekend night, vandals climbed onto the roof of a building and used a sledgehammer to damage the heating and air-conditioning unit. Damage was also done to the roof of the building where the heating and air conditioning units were located. Later that week, the local police apprehended some juveniles who had vandalized the insured’s building and some other businesses in the area.

General Liability:
A patient in a physician’s office was injured when the chair upon which they were seated collapsed. The claimant suffered a sprained arm which resulted in a claim payment of $2,500.

Equipment Breakdown:
A power surge caused damage to office phone equipment, making them inoperable. This resulted in a loss of business for two days.

Quoting & Applications

Log in to obtain applications, additional info, or quote online.
*Coverage may not be available for all accounts or in all states
*Applications will apply to most markets but in certain circumstances additional applications may be needed
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